Accurate up-to-date financial information is vital to every business. Operational business decision making needs current information based on sound bookkeeping skills. Efficient and accurate bookkeeping is important for growing a successful business. We offer a competitive bookkeeping service, which will free you up to make the most of your time at work and let you focus on what provides the most value to your business.

Some examples of our bookkeeping services include:

Bank reconciliation
Daily bank feeds
Paperless filing of receipts and invoices
Access to your financials anywhere
Daily up to date and accurate view of your business accounts

We are here to make your bookkeeping as simple as possible, freeing you up plenty of hours per week on paperwork, giving you far more flexibility in how you run your business – and who wouldn’t love that?

You can choose from a range of services which are tailor made for you and at a really competitive rate at all times with the reassurance that this service is backed up by a strong foundation of almost 23 years of accounting history as part of Grid Holding Group.